March Concerts at Civic
The weather may not be wonderful yet in March but the music in the Civic will be fabulous.
We start with the Elementary Choral Festival featuring the elementary school extracurricular choirs on March 14th at 7pm at the civic. This is a free concert that is always a marvelous showcase of our young singers. This is a free concert.
March 15th at 7:30pm the Jazz Festival which features all the jazz bands from Garfield and Harding Middle Schools as well the LHS jazz workshop and LHS jazz band. Paul Ferguson will be guest artist with the LHS bands. Tickets for this concert are $2 for adults, $1 seniors and $1 students.
March 20th is the Choral Pops Concert, a free concert beginning at 7:30pm featuring our extracurricular choral ensembles from the middle schools and LHS. Harding Singers Mixed and Harding Singers Too Treble will join Garfield Music Crew from the middle schools. From LHS we will hear Chamber Choir and the LHS quartets, Vive Le Four and Fourtes.
March 22nd is the 8th Grade band and Wind Ensemble concert. This is a concert where both bands perform separately and get to combine all the bands for select pieces. This concert starts at 7:30pm and the tickets are $2 for adults, $1 seniors and $1 students.
Hope to see you at one or all the these music filled evenings in our civic auditorium!