Executive Board Minutes for March 17 2015
Music Boosters
General Meeting
March 17, 2015
In attendance: Rachel Pavey, Tracey Logan, Laura Van Dale, Beth Hankins, Katie Norman, Karen Levis
Meeting called to order at 7:09 p.m.
President’s Report:
We are all set for the Lake Erie Monsters game on Thursday April 16 at 7:00.
50/50 volunteers will have 8 devices and 2 kiosks to use at the game. Volunteers will arrive between 5 and 5:30 for training. We will sell 50/50 until end of 2nd intermission.
Tickets will be $15. We have 100 to sell. Any checks will be made to the Lakewood Music Boosters as the tickets have been pre-paid.
Some discussion as to whether one of our musical groups could perform during the game.
1st VP:
Scholarship committee will be formed by Katie Norman to include: booster president, treasurer, 1st VP, the 3 high school music teachers, and 3 parents. The committee will meet sometime between 4/20/15 and 4/30/15 for scholarship reward letters to go out on May 1. Katie will contact music teachers at all levels for input on scholarship applicants. She will also contact Carol Mulready for the scholarship letter.
A nominating committee of 4 people will be formed at the April 14 executive board meeting to have the slate ready for May election.
Katie Norman will send out sign up genius for the Monsters game and for 8th grade band festival with High School Wind Ensemble concert on 3/24 at 7:30.
2nd VP:
Ice cream will be sold in the lobby for the concert on 3/18.
Chipotle profit was $1500.
Fruit sale for March was slow with approximately 6 sales. Need to increase the publicity.
There was discussion about whether to sell the Booster cards again. The idea was to choose 2 times (after school and Saturday) to enlist the help of Music students to divide the city and sell the cards. A few adults would be necessary to help monitor the students. Also can sell at concerts if Jenny helps train Board members on how to use the mobile Pay Pal device.
3rd VP:
Beth Hankins went over the spring concert schedule
6/1 and 6/2 will be the Harding and Garfield middle school tours.
6/2 and 6/3 in the evening would be 4th grade students instrument testing. Parents would remain with the students. High school students would do the testing. This would most likely be hosted by each of the middle schools.
Band will be officially moved out of the band room on Thursday.
Music department attended a meeting with administration on Monday. Two music teachers will be retiring this year. There is discussion at the administrative level of only replacing one of those positions by shifting schedules of all music teachers. Though this is still in early discussion stages, changes will be coming and our organization may need to become strong advocates for music in our schools.
No Report
Recording Secretary:
No Report
Corresponding Secretary:
(Report as shared by Tracey Logan)
The email contact list has been reformatted to make email blasts easier to send through different programs. Also set up something called Mail Chimp – which will automatically update with emails when something is updated on the website.
Letters of thanks will be going out to donors to the scholarship funds and to $100 members this week.
Condolences were sent to Mr. Read following the loss of both his father and mother over the winter.
191 members
$9,640 membership funds
$295 in Gilmore scholarship
$150 for the Nico scholarship
$270 for the Davis scholarship
No Report
Meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m.