Meeting Minutes 2024-2025
Lakewood Music Boosters
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Lakewood Music BoostersGeneral Meeting Minutes
October, 14, 2024
In Attendance:Janet Wroblewski, Jennifer Detmar, Mary Johnson, Alice Guajardo, Jen Detmar, Amy Brown, Michael Dandron, Liz Spahr, Jess Robbins, Britt Lameraeux, Bridgette Firstenberger, Shannon Lubas, Clinton Steinbrunner, Amanda Hruby
Call to Order 6:30
- Discussed concession stand and requests for top selling items:
m&m, fruit snacks.
- Looking into whether we can get a grant at Costco for purchases based on 5, 000 students
- Reminder that we will be in need of a new president next year, if anyone is interested in the position and shadowing Janet.
1st Vice President (Regan absent)
2nd Vice President
- Discussed new flyers for Feet to the Street. A script was created for students to follow if they did not know what they should say. Script will be attached to document
- Discussed need for more volunteers
- Students were still in need of the link, Janet agreed to sending it through email.
- Still needed to obtain do knock and sex offenders list
- We were trying to get a 25%l discount on the flyers that were going to be $278 folded ($198 not folded)
- Spirit Wear was extended in hopes of getting more sales
- Sign ups for November events were to up soon
- Scholarship info needs to come out soon
Arts Liaison
Teacher reports
Clinton Steinbrunner:
- October wind ensemble and POPS concert went well
- Sounds of the Season on Saturday December 7th
- Will be a little different. May be a stop in Light up Lakewood Events
- Most musical events moved to HS
- There may be crafts, students performing and moving around the cafeteria.
- Had not been finalized yet
- Budget distributed and looked at by all
- We should be in the black by $317
- Some differences in expenses compared to last year are as follows:
- No Ranger Day, therefore no bus expense
- There is a difference in the amount of the Gilmore and Daisy Fund for camps.
- Concessions as of this meeting were $200, half of our insurance bill!
Public Relations
- Mary trying to better label volunteer opportunities
- Made a goal of trying to figure out mail chimp to better reach out.
- Since Shannon was absent in September, we did not approve minutes from September.
- Discussed payment options for concessions and how to use Venmo
- Discussed whether or not we need to see the venmo confirmation from customer. Decided we do not.
- 76 members currently. A few over the last month.
- 50/50 raffle will continue at football games with band boosters volunteers running the raffle and donating the money back to the Marching band. No school employees may have anything to do with it
- Discussed options for future:
- Raffle Box. Can be run on the scoreboard
- St. Ed’s using this very successfully
- Collecting money through Give Butter. People can donate. Eliminates need for Zelle or Venmo
- Can we look at adding shirts for not just marching band but Barnstormers, Choir, Rangerettes, Flags, etc. and a generic shirt just saying performing arts.
Adjourn 8:00
Lakewood Music Boosters
General Meeting Minutes
September 9, 2024
In Attendance:Janet Wroblewski, Jennifer Detmar, Mary Johnson, Alice Guajardo, Amy Brown, Michael Dandron, Liz Spahr, David Spahr, Jess Robbins, Britt Lameraeux, Bridgette Firstenberger
Call to Order 6:30
President’s welcome and Introductions
Mary Johnson agrees to record minutes in Shannon’s absence
President; Janet Wroblewski,
New 1st Co-Vice Presidents; Regan Clawson(absent) and Jennifer Detmar,
New 2nd Vice President; Alice Guajardo,
Arts Liaison Michael Dandron
New Treasurer Amy Brown
New Secretary Shannon Lubas
New Public Relations Officer Mary Johnson
Membership chair is open
Briefed new officers on responsibilities with the exception of secretary
Goal of increasing income to balance mission fulfillment
1st Vice President
Feet to the street task list and timeline
Fall fundraising opportunities (last year Cilantro dine and donate night looking to start something in October)
Establish fundraising goals for the year
2nd Vice President
Sign up genius for fall events including F2S
Volunteer incentives and rewards
Arts Liaison
Teacher reports
Financial review not yet received
Approval of financial statements from summer
Review of last years approved budget with suggestions for modification and projections from fundraisers. Budget Committee meeting to follow immediately after adjournment.
Public Relations
Mary is managing the social media accounts including facebook and instagram. She has posted many events and will continue to update website.
Shannon is absent
Minutes approved from May meeting
1.Bylaws were updated review changes and will be posted in the Band App
2.Scholarship carry over Jack K. 150 to Lakewood Recreation for summer lessons as a late registrant. Missed deadline for registering for lessons. Vote approved to write the check
3. Budget remains unapproved. Meeting of a committee following adjournment to develop Budget for next year with various topics to consider such as teacher budgets, Scholarships for elite musicians, and Scholarships for summer music lessons and camps report
4. Review designs on Spiritwear-Janet has brought printouts to share Designs were voted on and feedback will be given to BlackLabel representative.
5. Establish a membership chair. Liz volunteers to take over these responsibilities.
6. Sound safari date(this was a really fun opportunity for engaging the community that was available for young people last year and we can expand and improve upon it) This item is still being considered
7.Committee sign ups(general membership involvement to make events, planning easier and more productive.
8.Suggestions for adding a membership scholarship deadline for summer lessons to encourage people to commit to joining music boosters earlier in the year. Membership expressed interest in getting middle school and elementary parents more involved in the music boosters and
Approve dates for proposed meetings Second Monday of every month with the exception of May.
Dates approved for meetings are as follows:
October 14
November 11
December 9
January 13
February 10
April 14
May 5
Adjourn 8:30