Beat to the Street

Various Porches Across Lakewood

Lakewood Music Students will fill the streets with music as they perform from their front porches. We invite you to

LRMB Stadium Performance

Lakewood High Stadium 14100 Franklin Blvd, Lakewood, Ohio

To cap off a fun-filled day of city-wide live porch concerts with Music Booster's Beat to the Street, plan to head over to First Federal Lakewood Stadium from 5-6 pm where our hometown Lakewood Ranger Marching Band will perform this year’s Disney-themed halftime show and other crowd favorites. Read more...

Lakewood Ranger Marching Band Concert

Lakewood High Stadium 14100 Franklin Blvd, Lakewood, Ohio

The Lakewood Ranger Marching Band will perform music from their traditional pregame as well as their halftime show "The Many

LHS Spring Orchestra Concerts

Lakewood Civic Auditorium

These concerts will feature performances by LHS’s String, Philharmonia, Camerata, Symphony and Chamber Orchestras Each performance is free! All attendees

LHS Choir Program Spring Concert Premiere

Lakewood Civic Auditorium

Come watch the video premier of pre-recorded spring concert performances featuring LHS's Symphonic Treble Choir, Concert Choir, Symphonic Mixed Choir