LRMB Band Festival Preview

Lakewood Park 14532 Lake Ave, Lakewood, OHIO

**Time updated due to weather** The Lakewood Ranger Marching Band will march non-stop from 5:00-9:00pm at Lakewood Park, in order

Meet and Greet!

Lakewood High School Ranger Cafe

Meet and Greet! Kicking off the 2021-22 school year with our General Meeting with a little business and a chance

Marching Band Festival

Lakewood High Stadium 14100 Franklin Blvd, Lakewood, Ohio

Orchestra POPS concert

Lakewood Civic Auditorium

Join us in the Civic as the Garfield and Harding 8th grade orchestras and all the LHS  Orchestras team up


Board Meeting

LHS Band Room

Board Meeting

PA Feet to The Streets

City of Lakewood

Students from our music and performing arts programs will take their "Feet to the Street" to knock on the doors

LRMB Concert

Lakewood High Stadium 14100 Franklin Blvd, Lakewood, Ohio

Join us in celebrating the 2021 Marching Band with a public concert at LHS Stadium! Admission is free.

LHS Orchestra Music Marathon

Lakewood Civic Auditorium

The orchestra is having the annual Music Marathon where they are collecting sponsorships to benefit the entire Lakewood City Schools