LRMB Veteran’s Day
Lakewood Park 14532 Lake Ave, Lakewood, OHIOFall Play
Lakewood High - Black Box Theater 14100 Franklin Blvd, Lakewood, OhioPerformance dates - Nov 11th, Nov 12th, Nov 13th at 7:30p
Gold and Silver Concert (LHS)
Lakewood Civic AuditoriumGold and Silver Winter Concert This concert will feature the Lakewood High School Concert Band, Symphonic Band, String Orchestra, Philharmonia
7th Grade Concert
Lakewood Civic AuditoriumJoin our 7th grade musicians in band, orchestra, and choir from Harding and Garfield Middle School as they perform holiday
Sounds of the Season
Lakewood Civic AuditoriumSounds of the Season This concert is the HIGHLIGHT of the season. Come and enjoy holiday favorites performed by The
Sounds of the Season
Lakewood Civic AuditoriumSounds of the Season This concert is the HIGHLIGHT of the season. Come and enjoy holiday favorites performed by The
LHS Choral Concert
Lakewood Civic AuditoriumJoin us for this yearly event filled with tradition and alumni participation. This concert features the Symphonic Mixed Choir, Symphonic
8th Grade Concert
Lakewood Civic AuditoriumJoin our 8th grade musicians in band and orchestra from Harding and Garfield Middle School as they perform holiday favorites